May 25, 2011


My first post is what I wrote in the last week of graduating from college. I thought it would be a good transition into whats to come regarding my next year in Texas as well as the progress made to get back to Ethiopia!

 After 5 long years in college, I finally did something that a lot of people can’t, won’t, or haven’t done yet…graduate!! As the day got closer and closer, I couldn’t help but to look back and reflect on everything I have learned and gone through, and not to mention all the people I have met through the years. So I wanted to take a minute and really think about how “college” has made me the woman I am today. You see, I put it in quotes because the last 5 years are not solely defined by my classroom hours, the homework I have done, the test I have studied for and the numerous papers I wrote. But my college years also include all the jobs I have had, the parties and social events I attended, all the intramural games I played in, the trips I took, and all the late nights doing absolutely nothing with some of my best friends. Thinking of my time living in the great city of Denton Texas has taught me more than I can begin to pass along, but I thought I would give it a shot…
1.      You don’t have to get along with everyone, or make everyone like you. I believe that if you are being true to yourself, there will always be someone who wants to disagree with you.
2.      You always have at least 2 choices…even if you don’t like either one of them.
3.       Time does not heal anything…it is what you do with your time that helps you heal.
4.      Showing emotion is not a sign of weakness, knowing when it is appropriate to show it is a skill.
5.       I am a huge advocate for NOT WORRYING! It does not matter how down to the wire things get or how stressed your life seems, that’s where faith comes in. just pray!
6.      I have figured out that Google can answer anything!!
7.      The most important necessities for any college student’s closet are flip flops, and hoodies. AND 10 minutes is more than enough time to get ready for any class!
8.      The best thing I bought freshman year, that has held up and come in handy way more than risking not having them….rain boots!!!
9.       I know without a shadow of a doubt that the thing I will miss most about college is my naps!! Apparently were not in Mexico and get to shut down and have siesta time as adults. L 
10.  No one is exempt from the freshman 15, but for some of us it becomes the freshman 30. L
11.  Procrastination is an art that I am quite familiar with.
12.  One way for me to laugh and never stop is to prank someone…from my brother to anyone who has been a roomie; I have had sooooo much fun pranking and scaring.
13.  It’s amazing how late you can stay up doing absolutely nothing, yet falling asleep in class or in the library takes an average of 2 seconds!
14.   I never knew how close I could be with my mom and brother…until I moved out of the house!
15.  “Learn as if you were going to live forever, Live as if you were going to die tomorrow!!”

With all that said the most important thing I have learned being in college and living alone is to fully and whole heartedly rely on God. As many of you know, I have gone through my share of struggles and not so proud moments through the years…But the only consistent thing has been the presence of Jesus Christ in my life. I have grown in so many ways and love the journey God has taken me through. I believe with my whole heart that I am a daughter of the King, and long for the day I get to spend eternity in Heaven. My hope is that everyone reading this knows Christ and has accepted him as Lord. I don’t want to come across pushy or insensitive, but this is the sole purpose of living, for Him.
            Lastly, I wanted to let yall know what the next chapter in my life entails… for now, I will keep my job at BJ’s hoping to save as much as possible! This summer I will begin theologically studying the Bible as well as pouring into the lives of high schoolers at The Village Church. In the mean time I will also be finishing up certification to be a teacher. This next year is just a year of God preparing me spiritually, mentally, physically, and financially to go to Africa May 2012. My prayer is to go back to Ethiopia and be a camp counselor at Lake Langano (where we went last summer) for 3 months, followed by 2 semesters at Bingham Academy being a teacher. God has called me to this special place and cannot wait to see what is in store for me there!
            Everyone who made it to the end of the note, I wanted to say thank you for the friendship we have! You ALL have had some impact on my life and I feel so blessed and honored to have so many amazing and great people in my life. Whether you are a friend from elementary school, a family member, or someone I met this year; you hold a special place in my heart and am excited to see where the next few years takes us all!

Lots of Love J
Ashley -By God- Brown

Romans 5:3 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our suffering, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.

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